Local experts in the field of Fire and Safety helping you and your business to be Fire Safety Order compliant
Email: sales@pd-fireandsafety.co.uk Call us:01305 759084
Covering the South-West from Exeter to Southampton and taking in Bristol, Salisbury, Yeovil, Poole and Bournemouth

Fire extinguishers require regular maintenance to ensure that they are safe or are, more importantly, will work when needed. Fire extinguishers are pressurised vessels that can rupture or burst when corroded or damaged and have been known to cause serious injury.
Fire Extinguishers have 2 types of maintenance procedures:
Weekly visual inspection by the user; and
Annual Maintenance by a competent person.
Based in Weymouth, Dorset, PD Fire and Safety covers the South-West taking in Devon, Dorset and Somerset.
Pete, the principal engineer, oversees our team of fully qualified fire safety engineers. PD Fire and Safety ensures staff undertake regular compliance training.

The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 states:
As the responsible person you must carry out and regularly review a fire risk assessment of the premises. This will identify hazards, risks and existing fire protection measures. You must keep a written record of your fire risk assessment if your business has 5 or more RELEVANT people.
So What is a 'Relevant Person?
The RRFSO (2005) outlines that the term 'Relevant Persons' means:
- Any person (including the responsible person) who is, or may be lawfully on the premises; and,
- Any person in the immediate vicinity of the premises who is at risk from a fire on the premises - this may include: staff, students, visitors or members of the public on the street adjacent to the building.

Fire Alarms and Emergency Lighting are vital systems that could save you and your employee's lives when faced with an emergency.
A Fire Alarm system should include automatic fire detection on all escape routes and rooms leading to escape routes, with clear fire emergency lighting to lead the way.
Fire Alarm systems may also include additional areas, deemed as a high risk but not included in the escape routes and/or adjoining rooms, such as boiler houses.
Are your business premises and staff fully protected with Fire Alarms and Emergency Lighting?

Covering the South-West from Exeter to Southampton, Exeter and taking in Bristol, Salisbury, Yeovil, Poole and Bournemouth
Call us: 01305 759084